11 June 2009

Random Thoughts and Deliberate Acts of Chance

I talk out loud to myself and answer my own questions. I genuinely like everyone I meet and regularly give people the benefit of the doubt. I believe everyone has something to offer in this world -each one with value, each one deserving of fairness and consideration. I think children should enjoy making messes and learn from the experience. I expect more of myself than I expect of anyone else, not because I'm better in any way but because I know that I am not and, so, I must always work harder to prove myself worthy. I give my all to whatever I am doing at any given moment because someone, somewhere, may be depending on me and -more than anything else- I never want to let anyone down. "I never want to let anyone down." An odd thing to want, isn't it? It's going to happen anyway, I know. I hate that part. I want to be more than I am. I want to be more like my best friend; he's the whole enchilada. I see in him all things wise and wonderful (apologies to James Herriot for the thievery), and I wish-wish-wish to grow up to resemble his qualities, even in the smallest quantity. I want to be bold and brave. I want to be wise and calm.

Yes, it's all one paragraph. Yes, there's more. Yes, that's the point.